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Anti-Dandruff Therapy for Senstive Scalps

Dermosthetique Anti-Pelliculaire

Instantly and gently eradicates the acute problem of visible dandruff, reduces dandruff-causing microbes, intensively calms the hypersensitive scalp and makes it more resistant to stress factors.

La Biosthetique Dermosthétique Cheveux - Anti-Pelliculaire - Shampooing Apaisant. Anti-dandruff Shampooing Apaisant cleanses sensitive hair and scalps, thoroughly removing 100% of dandruff. La Biosthetique Australian stockist. Free Shipping for orders over $350. Shop now.
La Biosthetique

Anti-Pelliculaire - Shampooing Apaisant

La Biosthetique Dermosthetique Anti-Pelliculaire - Lotion Apaisante. Anti-dandruff lotion for sensitive scalp. Lotion apaisante calms and normalises the scalp. La Biosthetique Australian stockist. Free Shipping for orders over $350. Shop now.
La Biosthetique

Anti-Pelliculaire - Lotion Apaisante


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